Wednesday, January 26, 2011

=).............................don't be =(

Smileey, don't be sad. God is in control and He knows what's best for you. Well, dear Mr. Blog. Today was another great day for me. It isn't what I call the best but I finally got my guitar fixed! XD Yep! Can finally have a guitar at home! I'm tired each night I try to make a blog so my mind isn't functioning right. I am not quite into this blogging thing but I just wanted to see how it'd help me. It just like my diary. Speaking of diary, I haven't been talking to Royce lately.! no!!! by the way, Royce is my lovely diary or journal.
Good night all.!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Hey Blog! How's it goin'? What can I say for tonight's blog? I got nothing to say. Dear Blog, Goodnight! XD

Monday, January 24, 2011

What if I am mute?

So I was in Ms. Calla's room waiting for her to tell me what to do next for my work. I was just playing around and such and saw tape. I took some of the tape with about the length of my mouth and stick it on my mouth. Then, Ellie was making me laugh and it was hard! I can't imagine myself not talking for a day, or even for an hour, or even for 15 minutes. Well, I could stand 1-3 minutes but not longer than that!

Be thankful that God gave you mouth to talk. Imagine yourself not talking for a day when you are the type of person, like me, who is talkative in a good way. I tell you, make use of that mouth! But PLEASE, do not use it to curse. You are putting dirt in your mouth. For goodness sake, who would love that? Say, you don't brush your teeth for 3 days. Full of tartar right? Disgusted by your teeth? How much more is cursing? It will just contaminate you. I tell you that. You know, God gave us mouth for a purpose. Things aren't just made just because it is so, you know. There is a purpose for everything. Now, purpose of your mouth? To say encouraging things, to be nice, to tell people about God, and basically just using it in God's glory. For it states int he Bible, do all things for the glory of God! I tell you friends, be thankful that you aren't mute like others who are. You are lucky to have a mouth to use. What if not? So you gotta use it rightly. Anyway, so much for that.

Well, today. I did the first presentation for this week's program - Student Led Week of Prayer. I was really nervous and I probably didn't make sense or I hope I did. It was really hard standing up there and telling students about the truth. I wasn't totally prepared and it was my fault not doing so. I would've done better but it's done. I just won't going to think about that for now.

Alright, one more last thing to say: Do not misuse your mouth. Use it wisely and for the glory of God.
Goodnight to all! I need to study for tests tomorrow!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What did I do?

So, I have a friend. I won't put his real name here but let's call him Bob. So Bob right here, I've known him for 7 months and for that 7 months we have build a special relationship between us, as I believe it is so. I think of him as my best friend. He's a really thoughtful one. Sweet and caring. Funny and lovable. Though sometimes he could be in a bad mood. I bet those girls that he went out with are lucky. Well, probably if this guy could read this he won't believe me. But this is what I think of Bob. Alright, so at the beginning of our friendship, I started liking him. Till I came to the point where I self-pitied myself because of the thought that he would never like me too. It was my first time thinking all of those because first, I don't think I am beautiful for guys eyes, you know what I mean. Well, I confronted him at some point. I later found out that he does like me too. But then, we could never be together because I don't wanna have a boyfriend yet and he does not want to have a girlfriend again. This all happen over the summer. Now, summer passed and it's school time. I've always thought of him since that confrontation and the talkings and all. Then, my greatest fear came to happen. I was kind of preparing myself for what would happen when school starts again. When school starts again. Yeah. Well, before meeting Bob, he was a different person. I don't know him at all though we go in the same church. He's been in my church twice as long as I have been in but I never notice him because he wasn't active, along with his brother. But that all changed when we had a camporee and they attended it. Anyway, so I was saying, he had many girlfriends back then. You know, that's usually how teenage life, or not even teenage but young people in the age of, most likely to be, 12, is here in Saipan. They get into relationships in that ages and even younger. It isn't a big deal here though. It was just part of their life style. I predicted that he would have a girlfriend when school starts and yes, it was a good prediction because it did happen. I thought I have prepared for it but I was wrong. I got hurt. And blah blah blah. Well, it's quite a long story and I could tell you about it later. After all that happened, - well, there's actually more that happened and I won't tell ya for now - we had a good relationship as best friends. Not a long time ago, I told him that I don't like him how I use to like him. I just like him as my little brother. Yeah, I'm older than him. Anyway, well, also, at that same time, I realized something that was unexpected ever before. I feel in-love with his brother. And it's all crazy. It's another story. Here's my point of why I am writing this. I know that Bob is mad at me. I don't know what is the reason and I'm trying to figure it out. Just today, I was texting him. When I said goodbye, I said, God bless you dear and something something something. Then he replied, " Oh and one thing don't call me dear. I don't feel comfortable. bye" It was an ouch to me. Yeah, what was that? It was just one of my ways to show that they are my dear friends. But was it wrong for me to say that? No right? And that really threw me off. I miss him. I miss how he was before. I miss all of him. What has happened? I messed up everything between me and him. How can I mend this? What has been with us? Is the friendship breaking apart? I'm afraid it is and I don't want it to. It will be the most painful things that could happen to me.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ms. Dirty Little Secret

It has been a nice experience to be living in this island for almost 3 years. It is but the life changing part of my life as a kid growing up as a teenager. Well, teenage life isn't as quite easy you think it would be. So, young people who hasn't reach teenage life yet, listen. Yes, I know you would say, "Whatever you say. You're just making me feel bad so that I would not want to grow up" or something. First of all, I am not going to lie to you about teenage life and not even would I lie ever about anything. Anyway, let's make this blog interesting. Shall we?

Alright, hello viewers, bloggers, internet surfers, and whatchevers. My name is Mary Grace Barro, call me Grace please. 16 years old and proud to be a Filipino!!! Yep. I bring that with me. That Pinoy pride in my heart wherever I go. Anyway, you don't need to know too much about me. Let's now proceed to the real blog. Here it goes.

All people undergo circumstances which they may never knew that they are in that situation. Well, I don't know about others but that is how I think life is. We all go through different challenges in life that we may never know when to end and how to be solved. There are many things that we question and always stays unanswered, eh? Well, right now, there are many things that I've been thinking about here in my teenie, tiny brain. One thing is, love. Yes, I said it. Love. Teenagers face this kind of things when they reach this age, I guess because I am in it right now. Now, what love am I talking about? Is it the family love, friendship love, or falling in love? I'm talkin' about falling in love. You would ask why I'm talking about this but here is the story: December 25, 2010. Saturday night. Kannat Garden, swimming pool. I told him that I love him until that day. It was hard doing it so and the timing was hard. A few weeks after, he's never spoken any word, any word about it. It frustrates me a lot. It's been a month now since I've told him that. Through those weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, I think of him. I always have the urge to just punch him in the face or slap him because he acts like he doesn't care about it but, when every time I see him, those threatening thoughts of mine suddenly turns to how I felt towards him. Though I've tried so many times to hate him as much as I love him, I fail. I still love him, whatever I do. He would never, ever love me as i do. NEVER! As in, never! And after thinking this way, it feels like my world is pulling apart you know. But not too big. Please, do not exaggerate my story. Haii... Maybe I have just been so stupid about it and I wait too much. The sad thing too, he is my best friend. I fell in love with my best friend who just sees me as his sister. =(
Anyway, my solution for this is to not think about it too much but first of all, take it all to God in prayer. He's gonna be in charge of that not you. He'll make it easier for you. So, folks, I challenge you, I'll do the same, take everything to God in prayer.

Goodnight viewers and everyone! It's gettin' late. Happy Sabbath!